Rev. Patti invites you to join in and connect with our worship services.
Message Rev. Patti with birthdays, anniversaries, thanksgivings, and personal prayer requests to be shared during our worship services. Please message her by 9:00 AM on Thursday through email or text: rev.patti.hale@gmail.com or (541) 654-3758.
All of the online worship services to date are available for you to watch at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9rtAd3nGaZ-Xpa38796ctA
The Lectionary Page website provides links to the lessons for upcoming Sundays and major Holy Days from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) for those who would like to follow the lessons for the upcoming weeks. Visit: http://www.lectionarypage.net/.
The Online Book of Common Prayer, according to the use of the Episcopal Church: https://www.bcponline.org/
An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/glossary/
Other Helpful Resources:
1. Traveling the Way of Love Video Series:
Turn. Learn. Pray. Worship. Bless. Go. Rest. Join host Chris Sikkema as he meets Episcopalians and others across the Church traveling the Way of Love.
We visit with Episcopalians and others in seven extraordinary places, finding out how we can turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, and rest in our own contexts and neighborhoods. As you watch Season 1, use the compiled resources in the guide found at episcopalchurch.org/traveling-the-way-love to learn more about the practices for Jesus-centered life. Then, consider how you’ll continue serving God and neighbor on the Way of Love.
2. Subscribe to Forward Day By Day
Join more than a half million readers worldwide who use Forward Day by Day as a resource for daily prayer and Bible study.
Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily inspirational meditations reflecting on a specific Bible passage, chosen from the daily lectionary readings as listed in the Revised Common Lectionary or the Daily Office from the Episcopal Church's Book of Common Prayer. Visit: https://prayer.forwardmovement.org/